Andrej Hunko vor einer Friedensfahne

Andrej Hunko

On Wednesday 21th May two leading members of the left movement "Borotba", Denis Lewin an Switlana Licht, who were organising a meeting against the war in Charkow, were openly attacked by armed unknown people, some with uniforms, and tried to be kidnapped. Common people without any arms prevented this kidnapping.

I strongly condemn this terrorising of left wing and peace-orientated people in Ukraine, which is after the burning of the trade union in Odessa, the destroying oft he offices of Borotba, after the attacks on oppositional presidential candidates and the plans to ban oppositional parties like the communist party one further step of intimitading the left wing and democratic opposition in Ukraine.

I declare my solidarity with all left wing and democratic victims of political terror in Ukrain. I call on the public in Europe not to close their eyes on such developments.

Andrej Hunko

Andrej Hunko vor einer Friedensfahne

Andrej Hunko